Weinstein Publishing

Identity for a visionary project of my own publishing house

The book has always been something special to me. The smell of a fresh print, the feeling of paper, the words that become worlds. It is the oasis of tranquility that one needs in today’s age of fast communication and naked transparency. We can devote ourselves to the medium without having any disturbing factors, create an emotional connection with the book. For us, designers and illustrators of all kinds, this means a green light for new ideas, new forms and materials.

From these tendencies, an idea was born that aims to pay tribute to great pieces of literature with strong and thought-through covers that would fascinate readers and attract them to explore the written world. Book covers that reflect the tone and atmosphere of the text and give the book an attractive and clever appearance.

On my blog I share ideas, experiments and thoughts around the process of the cover design and the book production.

The main element of the corporate identity for Weinstein Publishing House is the magnetic bookmark that is simultaneously the signet on a cover. It helps the reader to never lose the page he or she is currently reading and creates a strong connection to a brand.